Monday, January 30, 2006

right, here we go....


1. Be Romantic - don't forget, it doesn't have to be a huge gesture for her to notice.

2. It's not romantic if it's cheesy. Keep the chivalry subtle, but just make sure you keep it. Open doors, walk between your girl and the road, just don't make it embarassing. It's all about being a gentleman without overdoing it.

3. Be Decisive - I'm talking about dates. Always have a fall back plan, and don't be afraid to take the lead. Tell her you're taking her out to a certain restaurant, rather than waffling over where you want to eat to the point where she'd rather just stay in than continue the conversation.

4. Notice when she's uncomfortable, and DO something about it. If you're hanging out with your friends, while she sits silently next to you, she's probably considering her place as a really cute ornament. Note: she isn't an ornament - for god sake, include her in the conversation. Or change it to a subject she'd be able to take part in. If all else fails, tell your friends the two of you need a little time alone, and vacate the scene. I know this sounds lame, but guys do it more often than not, without realizing it.

5. Shake it up on the compliment front. Never lie about a compliment, but variation is the key to success. For god sake, don't overuse the words "cute" and "pretty", if they become dominant in your vocabulary, over more meaningful words like "gorgeous", "beautiful" and "stunning", she will notice. And it will hurt. Because "cute" doesn't measure up to "beautiful" and the speculation of her image will begin. Haven't supermodels done enough damage? Don't do more.

... I'll finish this later

I'll delete this later

For now I simply want to post something because I can, and so here we go:

So blogs eh? Opinions for everyone! Let's rant about something! Anything! As long as someone *might* read it.... cool huh? ohhhhhhh yeah!

voice inside my head: "What? Rant about something? ok! That's cool! I can do that!"

Today, the subject of this discussion with myself: Boys

Boys are kinda dumb sometimes. Yeah, all the girls are saying it, but why? Why, you ask? Because we're past those days of "Girls are so complicated" and we've reached "Yeah, I'm pretty sure I've got a handle on this, don't tell me I don't understand because I DO! Yes! I understand the workings of the female mind, and I'm going to attempt to tell you how YOU function. Becausee i get it! Yeah, I've got this shit down...." and yet, they still don't have a clue.

So boys, I know this has been done before, but because I really enjoy a good list, I'm going to make one!