Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Lindsay Lohan

Very recently I was having a discussion about Lindsay Lohan with my friendy friend Steve-o...who loves Lindsay Lohan. He is an otherwise all around righteous dude (thaaankk you Aaron Echolls! for Duncan Kane everyone!) . I have this whole love/hate thing with the girl. I love the Parent Trap...and Mean Girls...and even Just My Luck... but god, do I hate that blond anorexic diva bitch that cutie pie has become. And I strictly say NO to music videos or any other step outside of acting (dude, stick with what you know....ugh)

The whole point of this is just so I can include this quote in here in some sort of context...cause it's pretty much awesome...:

"the world is a crazy place meghan, but what kind of a world would it be if a cute little redhead didn't turn evil, and make us question our own beliefs, values, and libido's?"

On to other more pressing issues and important fan girl whatsits and squealing.... Ben knows Glory? more like TROY KNOWS JIMMY! That's motherfuckingright kids... Troy Vandergraff (twin brother of the oh so cute Bobby Drake) will be playing Jimmy Olsen on Smallville...and whatdaya know...I think Chloe finally gets lucky! yay and hooray!!!

I'll finish this later.