Sunday, April 29, 2007

oh dear

I'm back in the valley, and I'm not sure how this summer is going to go. Part of me thinks it might turn out to be fantastic, but a much larger part is already worried. I guess I'll just have to wait and see. There's so much I need to do, even just to get settled.

I'm going downtown tomorrow to buy some white paint. Gonna paint the walls of my room white - a literal tabula rasa - and then I'm going to start fresh. I'm going to de-clutter my room while I'm at it (seems a good time to do it), and get rid of all the stuff I never use.

'Stuff' is such an appropriate word...because that's what it is, just stuff. All those things that you never use, but never throw away, they just sit and sit and sit...until one day (if you're me...which you aren't but oh well), you just get sick of it all and you give it all away.

So all the junk will be gone from my room. And my walls will be ready for green. And I'll feel like it's a new beginning and a new room, and that will be very helpful in getting me through this time at home. I miss my old house already.


Eric said...

you totally have to phone me or something so we can hang out!

meghan said...

will do. Buck-a-beer this Thursday? I'm pretty sure I'm gonna hit that shit up. Or come in and see me at work, I got roped back into my old job at Timmy ho's, at least for a while, because I couldn't resist the pleas of my manager. You can usually find me kickin' it old schooo in the drive thru... yeah. I rock so freakin' hard. Phone number?

Eric said...

its 331-b0ba

meghan said...

boba fett? where!?!