Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Okay, I realize that last post was kind of emo, but whatever. I can't be happy twentyfourseventhreesixtyfour. It's just not possible, believe me, I've tried. But enough with it all, I am happy again - you know why? Because tonight I'm baking sugar cookies for all my friends in Victoria, and decorating them in the most awesome way possible. You can't be sad while you're making conversation heart cookies with awesome catch phases of your own invention.

Plus I have a week at home to look forward to. I miss the valley sometimes, it's nice to go home. Plus I get to go snowboarding. Plus I'll probably hit up buck-a-beer. Plus I'll probably use my mom's money to go shopping because the zipper on my second pair of jeans broke (I only have 2 pairs, how tragic!!!) and now my fly is constantly unzipped or in the process of unzipping... Eek!!

1 comment:

Eric said...

as soon as you get new jeans we can say cool jeans instead of cool beans.
i had something else to say but tv is on.