Saturday, February 10, 2007

my life is lame

Things to do:
1. Make shopping list for baking extravaganza this weekend
2. Do said shopping
3. Bake up a storm
4. Study up a storm

I'm tired of being single, and kind of... no, strike that... very lonely. But there's no way that's going to change anytime soon. My tarot card reading (that you Alison, you predicted an entirely bleak future for me) said so. And how do you meet guys in a strange town? Victoria is still a strange town to me, it's not Comox. Not that I would ever date someone from the valley, it would bring up so many conflicts and valley things..and gossip for everyone. And not that I'm planning on becoming a bar star... ugh. I always thought I was outgoing and friendly and flirty, and yet here I am. Ranting to myself on my blog. That is a sad statement about my life at the moment. I think maybe I have too high expectations, I'm looking for someone I'm not going to find. My perfect guy is maybe too perfect.

Next week is chaos. I have 4 exams (well, 3 midterms, 1 test) and I'm only slightly prepared for one of them. Biology and Environmental Studies I haven't even begun to study for, and biology especially is going to be killer. All killer and no filler.

1 comment:

Eric said...

oh, on the 14th at around 3 i have 14 roses being delivered to your room, awesome eh?