Thursday, April 19, 2007

I'm going to climb Mt. Kilimanjaro before I'm 40. It would be hard, but certainly not impossible. I'm giving myself a fair bit of time to get in shape, hahaha!

I obviously stole this bottom photo from someone, I would post a picture of the main summit, but I couldn't find any without someone standing proudly by the sign. I don't know what they'd think if they saw their pic on a random blog, but I didn't want to risk it. I'd take so many pictures at all stages of the trek. Awesome.

Okay, so I like posting photos of places I want to go. But someday (next year!) I'll have a million photos of my own. I'm especially looking forward to the one where I'm rescuing a baby sea turtle. I totally want to do that while I'm down in South America. Just cause they're adorable. I'm such a girl!

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